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Way of the Soul

Born into the most accelerated period in history, life is often a blur, disconnecting us from our souls, our purpose, our loved ones, our faith. One way to reconnect with Soul is to slow down

by going on a long walk.



Charis and Rebecca met over a cup of coffee at a local shop in Carbondale, CO and quickly bonded over a shared passion for upsetting the apple cart. Charis, a former pastor and seasoned pilgrim, and Rebecca, a current pastor of multiple churches in the valley and a spiritual coach, quickly began conspiring together to create experiences for folks to experience connection, embodiment, and transformation through the spiritual act of pilgrimage. Thus birthing, "Way of the Soul". Their role is to co-create the experience that your soul longs for. At the end of the day what arises from your pilgrimage is yours. As guides, they draw upon various spiritual practices to provide each pilgrim with an interpretive lens to make sense of what may be shaking loose within. Learn more about them in the bio below! 

Meet Your Spiritual Hosts

Upcoming Trips

We have two pilgrimages planned for Fall 2024- Spring 2025.

Check back for more to be added or let us know where you'd like to journey!

Spain May 2025 Tentative Itinerary

May 27: Arrive in Madrid by 11 AM. We will

leave the airport to travel by subway to the train

station, traveling to Leon.

May 27/28: Leon. Jet lag recovery, welcome

gathering, sightseeing

May 29: Van to Sarria via Cruz de Ferro, O


May 30: Walk to Casa Morgade (7.5 miles)

May 31: Walk to Portomarin (6 miles)

Jun 1: Walk to Lestedo (10 miles)

Jun 2: Walk to O Leboreiro (13 miles)

Jun 3: Walk to Ribadiso (12 miles)

Jun 4: Walk to A Rua (13.3 miles)

Jun 5: Walk to Santiago (12 miles)

Jun 6: In and around Santiago

Jun 7: Fly home or continue traveling on your own. 

On our first full day in Leon (May

28), Rebecca and Charis will begin

our immersion into spiritual

practices designed to support our

walk and our souls.


Click the Primer button for information on contemplative practices and

why pilgrimage is physically, mentally, and spiritually transformative.

These practices will anchor your walk as well as your life.

Click the Payment button for instructions on how to pay your deposit

and save your spot. 


Register Today!

Fill out the form below to register your interest.

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